Monday, July 07, 2008

Drawings from a 5th Grade Sketchbook

So, while looking for an inspirational drawing for a friend of mine, I happened to come upon my 5th grade math spiral amidst my stacks of drawings. This confused me, but when I looked through it I realized why we had kept it: The pages were full of crazy doodles and sketches and, surprisingly, a lot of sequential drawings. Maybe I was always meant to be an animator?? In any case....I think we know why math was never my strongest subject......


Anonymous said...

Yugs, daw nabasahan ko naman ni sa iban nga blog?

Anonymous said...

Considering the fact that it could be more accurate in giving informations.

Anonymous said...

Gomen kudasai.

Anonymous said...

The nice thing with this blog is, its very awsome when it comes to there topic.

Anonymous said...

And also we ensure that when we enter in this specific blog site we see to it that the topic was cool to discuss and not a boring one.

Bethany said...


I was the exact same way. Goooooooo Liberal Arts!!

I think my favorite is the one where he is shooting the math problem with lasers from his eyes.

Unknown said...

I think my favorites are the ones with the X's. We had a sub named Mrs. Wind and she was crazy mean and gave everyone i drew her with "marks" flying out of her mouth, attaching to us....then ripping us apart :P